Dunn, E. W., Aknin, L. B., &Norton, M. I. (2008). Spending money on others promotes happiness. Science, 319(5870), 1687-1688. 5월 10, 2021 42 연구논문 Although much research has examined the effect of income on happiness, we suggest that how people spend their money may... Read more
Peetz, J., &Buehler, R. (2009). Is there a budget fallacy? The role of savings goals in the prediction of personal spending. 5월 10, 2021 41 연구논문 The authors extend research and theory on self prediction into the realm of personal financial behavior. Four studies examined people’s... Read more
Easterlin, R. A., McVey, L. A., Switek, M., Sawangfa, O., &Zweig, J. S. (2010). The happiness–income paradox revisited.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201015962. 5월 10, 2021 52 연구논문 The striking thing about the happiness–income paradox is that over the long-term —usually a period of 10 y or more—happiness... Read more
Van Hook, J., &Altman, C. E. (2012). Competitive food sales in schools and childhood obesity: a longitudinal study. Sociology of education, 85(1), 23-39. 5월 10, 2021 26 연구논문 The vast majority of American middle schools and high schools sell what are known as “competitive foods,” such as soft... Read more
Baumeister, R. F., Vohs, K. D., Nathan DeWall, C., &Zhang, L. (2007). How emotion shapes behavior: Feedback, anticipation, and reflection, rather than direct causation. 5월 10, 2021 53 연구논문 Fear causes fleeing and thereby saves lives: this exemplifies a popular and common sense but increasingly untenable view that the... Read more
Loewenstein, G. (1987). Anticipation and the valuation of delayed consumption. The Economic Journal, 97(387), 666-684. 5월 10, 2021 57 연구논문 초록 없음 Loewenstein, G. (1987). Anticipation and the valuation of delayed consumption. The Economic Journal, 97(387), 666-684.DOI: 10.2307/2232929 Read more
Johnson, W., &Krueger, R. F. (2006). How money buys happiness: Genetic and environmental processes linking finances and life satisfaction. 5월 10, 2021 45 연구논문 Measures of wealth such as income and assets are commonly considered to be objective measures of environmental circumstances, making direct... Read more
Thomas, M., Desai, K. K., &Seenivasan, S. (2010). How credit card payments increase unhealthy food purchases: Visceral regulation of vices. Journal of consumer research, 38(1), 126-139. 5월 10, 2021 38 연구논문 Some food items that are commonly considered unhealthy also tend to elicit impulsive responses. The pain of paying in cash... Read more
Aknin, L. B., et al. (2012). Happiness runs in a circular motion: Evidence for a positive feedback loop between prosocial spending and happiness. Journal of Happiness Studies, 13(2), 347-355. 5월 10, 2021 40 연구논문 We examine whether a positive feedback loop exists between spending money on others (i.e. prosocial spending) and happiness. Participants recalled... Read more
Easterlin, R. A. (2003). Explaining happiness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(19), 11176-11183. 5월 10, 2021 58 연구논문 What do social survey data tell us about the determinants of happiness? First, that the psychologists' setpoint model is questionable.... Read more