[태그:] Cognitive Processes

Zauberman, G., Ratner, R. K., &Kim, B. K. (2008). Memories as assets: Strategic memory protection in choice over time. Journal of Consumer Research, 35(5), 715-728.

We present five studies supporting our strategic memory protection theory. When people make decisions about experiences to consume over time, they treat their memories of previous experiences as assets to be protected. The first two studies demonstrate that people tend to avoid situations that they believe will threaten their ability to retrieve special (rather than merely pleasant) memories. The next three studies demonstrate that people ...

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Bertini, M., Ofek, E., &Ariely, D. (2009). The impact of add-on features on consumer product evaluations. Journal of Consumer Research, 36(1), 17-28.

The research presented in this article provides evidence that add-on features sold to enhance a product can be more than just discretionary benefits. We argue that consumers draw inferences from the mere availability of add-ons, which in turn lead to significant changes in the perceived utility of the base good itself. Specifically, we propose that the improvements supplied by add-ons can be classified as either ...

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Carmon, Z., &Ariely, D. (2000). Focusing on the forgone: How value can appear so different to buyers and sellers. Journal of consumer research, 27(3), 360-370.

We propose that buying- and selling-price estimates reflect a focus on what the consumer forgoes in the potential exchange and that this notion offers insight into the well-known difference between those two types of value assessment. Buyers and sellers differ not simply in their valuation of the same item but also in how they assess the value. Buyers tend to focus on their sentiment toward ...

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