[태그:] Expectation

Oettingen, G., & Mayer, D. (2002). The motivating function of thinking about the future: Expectations versus fantasies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83(5), 1198-1212.

Two forms of thinking about the future are distinguished: expectations versus fantasies. Positive expectations (judging a desired future as likely) predicted high effort and successful performance, but the reverse was true for positive fantasies (experiencing one's thoughts and mental images about a desired future positively). Participants were graduates looking for a job (Study 1), students with a crush on a peer of the opposite sex ...

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Wentworth, N., & Haith, M. M. (1992). Event-specific expectations of 2-and 3-month-old infants. Developmental Psychology, 28(5), 842.

The Visual Expectation Paradigm (M. M. Haith et al, 1988) was modified to assess the role that picture content plays in the spatiotemporal expectations of 2- and 3-mo-old infants. Infants watched pictures of 700-msec duration that appeared in left–right alternation with a 1,000-msec interstimulus interval. The same picture occurred repeatedly on one side, in alternation with an unpredictable picture on the other side. Across 3 ...

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Lee, L., Frederick, S., &Ariely, D. (2006). Try it, you& #39;ll like it: The influence of expectation, consumption, and revelation on preferences for beer. Psychological science, 17(12), 1054-1058.

Patrons of a pub evaluated regular beer and “MIT brew” (regular beer plus a few drops of balsamic vinegar) in one of three conditions. One group tasted the samples blind (the secret ingredient was never disclosed). A second group was informed of the contents before tasting. A third group learned of the secret ingredient immediately after tasting, but prior to indicating their preference. Not surprisingly, ...

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