[태그:] Fairness

Qiu, T., Qualls, W., Bohlmann, J., &Rupp, D. E. (2009). The Effect of Interactional Fairness on the Performance of Cross‐Functional Product Development Teams: A Multilevel Mediated Model.

Cross‐functional product development teams (CFPDTs) are receiving increasing attention as a fundamental mechanism for achieving greater interfunctional integration in the product development process. However, little is known about how team members' interactional fairness perception—fairness perception based on the quality of interpersonal treatment received from the project manager during the new product development process—affects cross‐functional communication and the performance of CFPDTs. This study examines the effects ...

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Norton, M. I., &Ariely, D. (2011). Building a better America—One wealth quintile at a time. Perspectives on psychological science, 6(1), 9-12.

Disagreements about the optimal level of wealth inequality underlie policy debates ranging from taxation to welfare. We attempt to insert the desires of “regular” Americans into these debates, by asking a nationally representative online panel to estimate the current distribution of wealth in the United States and to “build a better America” by constructing distributions with their ideal level of inequality. First, respondents dramatically underestimated ...

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Oishi, S., Kesebir, S., & Diener, E. (2011). Income inequality and happiness. Psychological science, 22(9), 1095-1100.

Using General Social Survey data from 1972 to 2008, we found that Americans were on average happier in the years with less national income inequality than in the years with more national income inequality. We further demonstrated that this inverse relation between income inequality and happiness was explained by perceived fairness and general trust. That is, Americans trusted other people less and perceived other people ...

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Frey, B. S., &Pommerehne, W. W. (1993). On the fairness of pricing—an empirical survey among the general population. Journal of Economic Behavior &Organization, 20(3), 295-307.

A random survey reveals that a rise in price to cope with a situation of excess demand is considered unfair by 80% of the respondents. Pricing is considered less unfair as a decisionmaking procedure under recurrent situations than as a device to ration demand in a unique, fixed supply situation. Results contrasting with conventional economic theory are that traditional and administrative procedures are much preferred ...

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Fehr, E., &Gächter, S. (1998). Reciprocity and economics: The economic implications of Homo Reciprocans1.European economic review, 42(3-5), 845-859.

A large number of studies suggest that reciprocity constitutes a basic motivational drive. This paper shows that reciprocity can account for a wide range of empirical phenomena: It (1) is a powerful effort elicitation device, (2) explains why employers refuse to hire underbidders and, hence, why wages are downwardly rigid, (3) gives rise to non-compensating wage differentials and to a positive correlation between profits and ...

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Fehr, E., &Schmidt, K. M. (1999). A theory of fairness, competition, and cooperation. The quarterly journal of economics, 114(3), 817-868.

There is strong evidence that people exploit their bargaining power in competitive markets but not in bilateral bargaining situations. There is also strong evidence that people exploit free-riding opportunities in voluntary cooperation games. Yet, when they are given the opportunity to punish free riders, stable cooperation is maintained, although punishment is costly for those who punish. This paper asks whether there is a simple common ...

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Fong, C. (2001). Social preferences, self-interest, and the demand for redistribution. Journal of Public economics, 82(2), 225-246.

  Preferences for redistribution may be influenced by values and beliefs about distributive justice as well as by self-interest. People may prefer more redistribution to the poor if they believe that poverty is caused by circumstances beyond individual control. Therefore, beliefs about the causes of income may affect demand for redistribution. Alternatively, the effect of these beliefs on redistributive preferences may be spurious if they are ...

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Kahneman, D., Knetsch, J. L., &Thaler, R. (1986). Fairness as a constraint on profit seeking: Entitlements in the market. The American economic review,728-741.

 Community standards of fairness for the setting of prices and wages were elicited by telephone surveys. In customer or labor markets, it is acceptable for a firm to raise prices (or cut wages) when profits are threatened and to maintain prices when costs diminish. It is unfair to exploit shifts in demand by raising prices or cutting wages. Several market anomalies are explained by assuming ...

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