[태그:] Gratitude

Layous, K., Sweeny, K., Armenta, C., Na, S., Choi, I., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2017). The proximal experience of gratitude. PloS one, 12(7), e0179123.

Although a great deal of research has tested the longitudinal effects of regularly practicing gratitude, much less attention has been paid to the emotional landscape directly following engagement in gratitude exercises. In three studies, we explored the array of discrete emotions people experience after being prompted to express or recall gratitude. In Studies 1 and 2, two different gratitude exercises produced not only greater feelings ...

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김경미, 류승아, & 최인철. (2014). 자신과 연인에 대한 내적-외적 가치 인식이 행복 및 연애만족도에 미치는 영향: 감사를 매개로. 한국심리학회지: 상담 및 심리치료, 26(3), 637-657.

많은 연구들은 외적인 조건보다 내적인 조건에 대한 중요성을 강조하고 있다. 그러나 기존연구들에서는 자기자신 뿐만 아니라 연애관계에 있는 연인에 대한 내-외적 가치인식의 수준과 삶의 질의 관계 및 심리적 기제에 대해 확인하지 않았다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 자기자신과 연인에 대한 내적 가치와 외적가치의 인식수준이 행복과 연애만족도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보고, 이 두 관계에 감사가 매개하는지 확인하고자 하였다. 연구에 참여한 사람들은 연애관계에 있는 19세에서 37세 사이의 총 136명(남자 68명, ...

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Andersson, L. M., Giacalone, R. A., & Jurkiewicz, C. L. (2007). On the relationship of hope and gratitude to corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 70(4), 401-409.

A longitudinal study of 308 white-collar U.S. employees revealed that feelings of hope and gratitude increase concern for corporate social responsibility (CSR). In particular, employees with stronger hope and gratitude were found to have a greater sense of responsibility toward employee and societal issues; interestingly, employee hope and gratitude did not affect sense of responsibility toward economic and safety/quality issues. These findings offer an extension ...

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Teigen, K. H. (1997). Luck, envy and gratitude: It could have been different. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 38(4), 313-323.

Previous studies have shown that people feel lucky in situations that could easily have turned into something worse. The present investigation was designed to focus more closely on the comparative aspect of luck, using a linguistic approach (Study 1 and 2) as well as self‐reports of perceived luck accompanying selected emotional episodes (Study 3). The participants in Study 1 were asked to comment upon the ...

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Froh, J. J., Sefick, W. J., & Emmons, R. A. (2008). Counting blessings in early adolescents: An experimental study of gratitude and subjective well-being. Journal of school psychology, 46(2), 213-233.

The development and manifestation of gratitude in youth is unclear. We examined the effects of a grateful outlook on subjective well-being and other outcomes of positive psychological functioning in 221 early adolescents. Eleven classes were randomly assigned to either a gratitude, hassles, or control condition. Results indicated that counting blessings was associated with enhanced self-reported gratitude, optimism, life satisfaction, and decreased negative affect. Feeling grateful ...

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Lambert, N. M., Clark, M. S., Durtschi, J., Fincham, F. D., &Graham, S. M. (2010). Benefits of expressing gratitude: Expressing gratitude to a partner changes one’s view of the relationship.

This research was conducted to examine the hypothesis that expressing gratitude to a relationship partner enhances one’s perception of the relationship’s communal strength. In Study 1 (N = 137), a cross-sectional survey, expressing gratitude to a relationship partner was positively associated with the expresser’s perception of the communal strength of the relationship. In Study 2 (N = 218), expressing gratitude predicted increases in the expresser’s ...

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McCullough, M. E., Kimeldorf, M. B., &Cohen, A. D. (2008). An adaptation for altruism: The social causes, social effects, and social evolution of gratitude.

People feel grateful when they have benefited from someone's costly, intentional, voluntary effort on their behalf. Experiencing gratitude motivates beneficiaries to repay their benefactors and to extend generosity to third parties. Expressions of gratitude also reinforce benefactors for their generosity. These social features distinguish gratitude from related emotions such as happiness and feelings of indebtedness. Evolutionary theories propose that gratitude is an adaptation for reciprocal ...

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Sheldon, K. M., &Lyubomirsky, S. (2006). How to increase and sustain positive emotion: The effects of expressing gratitude and visualizing best possible selves.

A 4-week experimental study (N = 67) examined the motivational predictors and positive emotion outcomes of regularly practicing two mental exercises: counting one's blessings (“gratitude”) and visualizing best possible selves (“BPS”). In a control exercise, participants attended to the details of their day. Undergraduates performed one of the three exercises during Session I and were asked to continue performing it at home until Session II (in 2 ...

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Polak, E. L., &McCullough, M. E. (2006). Is gratitude an alternative to materialism?. Journal of Happiness Studies, 7(3), 343.

Materialistic strivings have been implicated as a cause of unhappiness. Gratitude, on the other hand – both in its manifestations as a chronic affective trait and as a more temporary emotional experience – may be a cause of happiness. In the present paper we review the empirical research on the relationships among materialism, gratitude, and well-being. We present new correlational data on the gratitude–materialism relationship ...

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Wood, A. M., Joseph, S., Lloyd, J., &Atkins, S. (2009). Gratitude influences sleep through the mechanism of pre-sleep cognitions. Journal of psychosomatic research, 66(1), 43-48.

ObjectivesTo test whether individual differences in gratitude are related to sleep after controlling for neuroticism and other traits. To test whether pre-sleep cognitions are the mechanism underlying this relationship.MethodA cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted with a large (186 males, 215 females) community sample (ages=18–68 years, mean=24.89, S.D.=9.02), including 161 people (40%) scoring above 5 on the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, indicating clinically impaired sleep. Measures ...

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