[태그:] materialism

Polak, E. L., &McCullough, M. E. (2006). Is gratitude an alternative to materialism?. Journal of Happiness Studies, 7(3), 343.

Materialistic strivings have been implicated as a cause of unhappiness. Gratitude, on the other hand – both in its manifestations as a chronic affective trait and as a more temporary emotional experience – may be a cause of happiness. In the present paper we review the empirical research on the relationships among materialism, gratitude, and well-being. We present new correlational data on the gratitude–materialism relationship ...

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홍경화. (2014). The high price of Korean materialism on chronic and momentary happiness. 서울대 석사학위논문.

The present study aims to replicate and extend previous findings on the aversive effects of materialism on wellbeing. In numerous past studies, sufficient amount of information about psychological and social traits about materialists that are related to diminished happiness have been provided. However, they have neglected to examine materialists in daily life. This study overcomes such limitation by assessing materialists’ happiness at both chronic and ...

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Van Boven, L., Campbell, M. C., &Gilovich, T. (2010). Stigmatizing materialism: On stereotypes and impressions of materialistic and experiential pursuits.

Five studies examined the stigmatization of materialism. Participants expressed negative stereotypes of materialistic people, considering them to be more selfish and self-centered than experiential people (Study 1). Participants also viewed materialistic pursuits as more extrinsically motivated than experiential pursuits (Study 2). These stereotypes led respondents from varied demographic backgrounds to form less favorable impressions of individuals who were associated with prototypically materialistic versus experiential purchases, ...

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