[태그:] procedural fairness

Anand, P. (2001). Procedural fairness in economic and social choice: Evidence from a survey of voters. Journal of Economic Psychology, 22(2), 247-270.

The paper argues for the relevance of procedural justice to social choice and presents supporting evidence from primary data on voter attitudes. A preliminary section proposes and discusses five propositions that indicate the potential value and significance of processes for social choice. Section 3 considers evidence for what psychologists have called `voice' and the extent to which control over, or representation in, a decision is ...

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Oberholzer-Gee, F., Frey, B. S., Hart, A., &Pommerehne, W. W. (1995). Panik, Protest und Paralyse Eine empirische Untersuchung über nukleare Endlager in der Schweiz.

This paper deals with the question how to locate generally beneficial, but locally harmful facilities in accordance with citizens' procedural preferences. The analysis of survey data collected among people potentially affected by such siting decisions shows that aspects of procedural fairness matter most when finding a site for a locally unwanted disamenity. Procedures including elements of auctions turn out to be unpopular, whereas granting authority ...

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