[태그:] Stress

Spreitzer, G. M., & Grant, T. (2012). Helping students manage their energy: Taking their pulse with the energy audit. Journal of Management Education, 36(2), 239-263.

This article introduces a tool to help students learn to better manage their energy. The tool asks students to assess their energy levels for each waking hour over at least 2 days in order to identify patterns of activities associated with high energy and with depleted energy. The article describes how to use the tool in the classroom by articulating the learning objectives, providing background ...

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Bizi, S., Keinan, G., & Beit-Hallahmi, B. (1988). Humor and coping with stress: A test under real-life conditions. Personality and individual differences, 9(6), 951-956.

The relationship between humor and coping with stress was investigated for trainees in a course for combat NCOs in the Israel Defense Forces. Measures of humor through self-report and peer-ratings were administered to 159 soldiers. Coping with stress was assessed through ratings by commanders and peers, and through final course grades. The findings showed that humor as rated by peers (but not by self-report) was ...

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Bono, J. E., Glomb, T. M., Shen, W., Kim, E., & Koch, A. J. (2013). Building positive resources: Effects of positive events and positive reflection on work stress and health.

This three-week longitudinal field study with an experimental intervention examines the association between daily events and employee stress and health, with a specific focus on positive events. Results suggest that both naturally occurring positive work events and a positive reflection intervention are associated with reduced stress and improved health, though effects vary across momentary, lagged, daily, and day-to-evening spillover analyses. Findings are consistent with theory-based ...

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Seppälä, E. M., et al. (2014). Breathing‐based meditation decreases posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in US Military veterans: A randomized controlled longitudinal study.

Given the limited success of conventional treatments for veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), investigations of alternative approaches are warranted. We examined the effects of a breathing‐based meditation intervention, Sudarshan Kriya yoga, on PTSD outcome variables in U.S. male veterans of the Iraq or Afghanistan war. We randomly assigned 21 veterans to an active (n = 11) or waitlist control (n = 10) group. Laboratory ...

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Mujica-Parodi, L. R., et al. (2009). Chemosensory cues to conspecific emotional stress activate amygdala in humans. PloS one, 4(7), e6415.

Alarm substances are airborne chemical signals, released by an individual into the environment, which communicate emotional stress between conspecifics. Here we tested whether humans, like other mammals, are able to detect emotional stress in others by chemosensory cues. Sweat samples collected from individuals undergoing an acute emotional stressor, with exercise as a control, were pooled and presented to a separate group of participants (blind to ...

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Byron, K., Khazanchi, S., &Nazarian, D. (2010). The relationship between stressors and creativity: A meta-analysis examining competing theoretical models. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(1), 201.

Competing theoretical models and equivocal evidence leave unanswered questions regarding stressors’ effect on creativity. The present meta-analysis of 76 experimental studies (including 82 independent samples) aims to clarify this association and identify factors that may explain differences between studies. Our results suggest that the effect of stressors on creative performance depends on how stress-inducing the stressor is and what type of stress is induced. We ...

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Kaufer, D., Friedman, A., Seidman, S., &Soreq, H. (1998). Acute stress facilitates long-lasting changes in cholinergic gene expression. Nature, 393(6683), 373.

Acute traumatic stress may lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)1, which is characterized by delayed neuropsychiatric symptoms including depression, irritability, and impaired cognitive performance2. Curiously, inhibitors of the acetylcholine-hydrolysing enzyme acetylcholinesterase may induce psychopathologies that are reminiscent of PTSD3,4. It is unknown how a single stressful event mediates long-term neuronal plasticity. Moreover, no mechanism has been proposed to explain the convergent neuropsychological outcomes of stress ...

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Dhabhar, F. S., Miller, A. H., McEwen, B. S., &Spencer, R. L. (1995). Effects of stress on immune cell distribution. Dynamics and hormonal mechanisms.

Immune cell trafficking is crucial to the performance of the surveillance as well as effector functions of the immune system. Because immune cells travel between tissues through the bloodstream, the numbers and proportions of leukocytes in the circulation provide an important representation of the state of leukocyte distribution in the body. The studies described here examine significant and selective changes in numbers and percentages of ...

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Dhabhar, F. S., &McEwen, B. S. (1996). Stress-induced enhancement of antigen-specific cell-mediated immunity. The Journal of Immunology, 156(7), 2608-2615.

The studies described here demonstrate that the activation of the physiologic stress response systems of the body can enhance immune function in vivo. This enhancement is observed as a large and long lasting increase in allergic contact sensitivity or delayed-type hypersensitivity, an immune reaction which involves an Ag-specific, cell-mediated immune response. In contrast, acute stress has no effect on the course of irritant contact sensitivity, ...

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Halkos, G., &Bousinakis, D. (2010). The effect of stress and satisfaction on productivity. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 59(5), 415-431.

Purpose– This study aims to investigate the effects of stress and job satisfaction on the functioning of a company. It seeks to focus on factors affecting stress and job satisfaction such as number of work hours, good relations between management and employees, good function of the group and work related to employees' area of education. Design/methodology/approach– A random sample of 425 employees in the private and ...

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