[태그:] Unemployment

Kraft, K. (2001). Unemployment and the separation of married couples. Kyklos, 54(1), 67-88.

This article analyzes whether unemployment has an effect on the splitting of a marital relationship. The study uses 40 000 observations on unemployment spells and marital status during the period from 1987 to 1996. Random effects probit and conditional likelihood logit models for panel data are applied. Using several control variables, it was confirmed that unemployment does actually lead to a higher probability of the ...

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Frey, B. S., &Stutzer, A. (1999). Measuring preferences by subjective well-being. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)/Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, 755-778. 

The measurement of preferences is an ongoing challenge for economists. New insights can be won by relying on reported subjective well-being in addition to observed behaviour. Empirical estimates of well-being functions, based on a sample of 5500 Swiss residents, find that unemployed persons are much unhappier than employed ones. Differences in life satisfaction between income classes are quite small and improvements in financial situation hardly ...

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Clark, A. E. (2003). Unemployment as a social norm: Psychological evidence from panel data. Journal of labor economics, 21(2), 323-351.

 This article uses seven waves of panel data to test for social norms in labor market status. The unemployed's well‐being is shown to be strongly positively correlated with reference group unemployment (at the regional, partner, or household level). This result, far stronger for men, is robust to controls for unobserved individual heterogeneity. Panel data also show that those whose well‐being fell the most on entering ...

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Gerlach, K., &Stephan, G. (1996). A paper on unhappiness and unemployment in Germany. Economics Letters, 52(3), 325-330.

Fixed effects estimations with German data obtain the result that unemployment significantly lowers overall satisfaction with life. The results differ for men and women and are consistent with estimates of labor supply elasticities. Gerlach, K., &Stephan, G. (1996). A paper on unhappiness and unemployment in Germany. Economics Letters, 52(3), 325-330.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0165-1765(96)00858-0       

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Clark, A., Georgellis, Y., &Sanfey, P. (2001). Scarring: The psychological impact of past unemployment. Economica, 68(270), 221-241.

 This paper considers the psychological impact of past unemployment. Using 11 waves of German panel data, we show that life satisfaction is lower not only for the current unemployed (relative to the employed), but also for those with higher levels of past unemployment. However, the negative wellbeing effect of current unemployment is weaker for those who have been unemployed more often in the past. The ...

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